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Cooking with kids

Most children love to cook. Preparing food with them can become a game, allowing them to learn a lot of things and spend unforgettable moments.


The winning conditions for having a good time are choosing the right time and planning a good dose of patience.

There are many good reasons to cook with your children.


  •  While making a recipe, children practice reading, learn new vocabulary. They must also count and measure quantities, calculate proportions. For toddlers, this is a great introduction to calculations in the form of games.


  • Cooking allows you to discover new foods. This is a great opportunity to teach them where the ingredients come from, how they grow, and the flavors they bring to the recipe.


  • One more reason is to teach them to eat healthy, that it is possible to create their own meal rather than buying it prepared elsewhere and all packaged. Cooking your food allows you to eat healthy because it is the best way to know what you are ingesting.


  • All the steps of a recipe require application; children are taught to use their hands and develop their motor skills.


  • Children are proud of their recipes. They can explain it, share it and taste it, which is great for their self-esteem!


The best reason is to have fun. Spending quality time with them, or nothing else matters but making the recipe together. In a world where schedules are overloaded, reserving time regularly can become an opportunity to share, a little meeting to get together!


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